Many people believe that playing roulette involves great amounts of luck and you will hear people talking about having a great run or having lady luck on their side.
Because it is a game based on plain luck, you have better chances of being successful in the long run if you manage your money in live roulette correctly while playing the game sensibly.
It should be always kept in mind that casinos, whether live through video, live in a casino or otherwise always have the better odds, they have the edge over the roulette players due to the design of the game and hence it is not possible to win most of the time, unless you are very lucky. But, despite suffering losses, a player’s psychology forces him/her to keep on betting in the hope that next bet will be a winning bet. In order to manage your money in live roulette well you should get over this mentality and fix the maximum amount to bet before starting the game, and should never cross that mark during the game.
Playing roulette for money is a serious matter and before you start to play check the limit allowances of the roulette tables and decide how many chips you can afford to buy without damaging your financial situation. To manage your money in live roulette set yourself a limit then stick to it. If the currency of betting is foreign to you then ensure you understand the conversion rate.
You can choose either European or American live roulette games, but the former gives better odds of winning because of a less ’00’. You should also go through the rulebook of the particular website thoroughly as there may be some additional rules that can affect your chances.
After deciding the bank amount, the next decision should be regarding the value of a single bet. If you want to play slowly and enjoy the game for long, you can choose a small bet value but if you are in an aggressive mood, you can also go for slightly larger bets. In the beginning, it pays off to be cautious and keep the bets low. Then as you get in the game and start winning, you can increase the bet amount, but still it should not exceed the maximum limit set earlier. You should make it a point to not get influenced by what other players are doing, how much they are betting etc, and trust your own instincts.
During the game, you should also keep a constant eye on your account balance. The key to managing your money in live roulette is not to get carried away in the game, enjoy it and keep the head cool.
In the end, it is proper live roulette money management that will ensure that you are happy with the game of live roulette; otherwise it becomes a dirty addiction that can damage your health, reputation, and economic status.
By Don B
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