Hello are you addicted to gambling? if so then Typically, someone who is suffering from a gambling addiction will show some signs of depression most of the time. This person is continually looking to recreate the high that they felt the first time they hit it big gambling. Each time, it becomes harder and harder to recreate that high feeling which provided great emotions. They may experience moments of great joy while in the casino, however once they stop betting or lose the high of winning; their mood drops to level lower than when they began.Compulsive gamblers often suffer from a high level of anxiety. They spend a great deal of time worrying about money, or when they will next gamble. They also suffer anxiety from the lies told to cover the truth and the extent of their problem. Often, compulsive gamblers are so busy holding their lives together that their dominant feelings are worry and anxiety. This guide will show you how to take full control of your emotions in Section 3.Compulsive gamblers frequently lie. They constantly seek new ways to get more money to gamble, or simply to pay off gambling debts. They also frequently lie to co-workers, family and friends about their activities and expenditure. As they try to rationalize, it is easy to identify their lies, however, and they tend to become very defensive. Oftentimes, they will also get very angry when confronted. People who develop a habit of lying are also known for becoming very creative and fairly consistent as they gain experience. This guide includes a section on achieving honesty. I encourage you to read it thoroughly, especially if you recognized similarities of yourself in the last few statements.If you are suffering from a gambling addiction then you may find yourself missing work or school in order to pursue your habit. You may also miss out on social occasions or family responsibilities in order to gamble. Often they are activities that you once enjoyed, however, now they are simply a memory cast aside as you make time for your addiction. The good news is that, once you decide to quit, you will be able to take care of the most important parts of your life again.A compulsive gambler almost always suffers from money problems. They may find themselves in serious debt and unable to make rent or mortgage payments. Often they will borrow money from friends or family just to make ends meet, and more worryingly, to make further bets. This guide includes some advice on developing financial intelligence in the upcoming pages.A compulsive gambler often suffers from low self-esteem. Indeed, he or she may believe themselves to be worthless and a failure. However, the paradox of this situation is that they begin to feel much better about themselves once they begin to gamble again. Often they feel like gambling is all they have. This is a very dangerous belief system because in order to get the “feel-good” emotions, they will do whatever it takes to gamble. It becomes their only pathway to such strong emotions. Understanding this concept is crucially important for everyone and if you are suffering from low self-esteem, I advise you to read the chapter dedicated to it.Compulsive gamblers often have very misguided views on how betting games work and what their chances of winning are. In fact, they often feel like they are due a big win, or are owed a win. They erroneously believe that the laws of probability do not apply to them and seem convinced that it’s just a matter of time before they claim a big win.So, the question is, are you able to identify yourself as having any of the traits mentioned above? The hardest part of the recovery process is admitting that you are a compulsive gambler and being totally honest with yourself. Of course you didn’t plan to get addicted to gambling! It just happened, but as soon as you recognize the problem, you can start to correct it. Let’s make one thing clear, you do not have to suffer from this debilitating addiction for the rest of your life, there is hope!Jocelyn is the author of “Your Life Beyond Gambling – a complete, step-by-step self-help guide that will tell you everything you need to know about problem gambling and how to get rid of it. If you or someone you care about is susceptible of having a gambling problem,then Click Here! to find out more on how to kick that addiction once and for all!
By Christopher Gawthrop
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