There was game show years ago called “Beat the Clock.” Renowned game show host, Bud Collyer, did the honors, and the show was quite popular for a number of years in the 1950’s. This show was before Collyer’s benchmark quiz show, “To Tell the Truth.” The object of “Beat the Clock” was to perform some menial task, such as walking over to a table with dishes in your hand, within a thirty second period of time.
Now, this all sounds and appears easy. That’s when Collyer would throw the monkey wrench into the proceedings. The trick would be that you would have to carry the dishes in one hand walking backwards blindfolded. Obviously, that made the task much more difficult, and made for amusing and often hilarious entertainment in the early days of TV.
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Hey! What would Bud Collyer say about playing a free blackjack game online?
By Dyna
Myself webmaster of a free casino games site where you can play online casino, free online poker, free online roulette, online blackjack game, slot machine & video poker game without downloading.
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