Have you ever wished for a foolproof system you could use in any casino to make yourself a constant winner? Well, it might not just be wishful thinking. There are those that say it is very possible with a new mathematical equation discovered recently.
In fact, as long ago as the mid ’50;s, a physicist who worked at Bell Labs published a paper that drew an analogy between the outcomes of a gambling game and the transmission of symbols over a communications channel. He showed that a betting system based on a fixed fraction of a bankroll can make the said sum grow at an exponential rate in the long run. The growth rate in this case is directly analogous to the rate of information transmission through a communications channel. But, that was then and this is now, and there have been rumors of a new system that has been developed that will make you a winner in a game of chance or even in the business of forex trading.
In fact, we are facing the possibility of a financial crash today, and the great danger is that most of the people in what is called the economics business actually do not believe in economics. What they actually believe in is gambling. They refer to it as a financial system; but it’s actually a system of gambling. People who understand this, since Galileo developed this idea using gambling for the basis of discovering how markets would work, have tried to get a better mathematical system for gambling. Therefore, these guys who run the financial world these days, depend on assuming that they have found a “better system”, such as one you could use for handicapping the horses. But, in the end it sometimes handicaps the bettor, as he finds himself on the street, broke, and being chased by his debtors.
So, what you’ve got today, as we found out with what happened in our financial district in August through October of 1998, is that the people in charge now rely upon mathematics. And they also have top of the line computers to help them They can now place their buy orders(money bets) faster, they can write mathematical formulas and find statistics faster than ever before. But what they’re all actually trying to find is the best system of gambling. They are also all in competition to get in on “the system”. This results in a simple fact. When all the gamblers are using very much the same system, and are gambling against each other for the same goal, guess what? They all will fall together at the same time.
Today, with legal gambling in 47 states, wouldn’t it be great to find a mathematical solution to winning at a game of chance? Then, to beat the house you would only need a little internet savvy, some software to speed up the process, and an excellent grounding in probability theory.
Just imagine the possibilities. No more 9-5. No more financial concerns. Live the lifestyle you want. Take care of your family. Now, just to discover how to develop the formula.
There is also a system that has been in use for many years, and it does work. The only drawback is that this system only works with the game of “Black-jack” or commonly known as “21”. Also, if the casino figures out that you’re using this method, you will be asked to leave. The system is commonly known as “card counting”, and it assigns a numerical value to each card and you are supposed to keep track of the total value of each hand as the dealer goes through the deck. When the deck is re-shuffled, you have to start all over. This system takes a considerable amount of concentration on the task at hand if it is to work properly.
As for myself I think I would prefer to find something that would be more versatile in the casinos or in forex trading.
By Robert Buford
The author has found a website that you, or anyone interested in finding such a system would more than likely want to investigate. You can find it at; http://howiwin.blogspot.com/
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