For countless numbers of people who are involved in gambling each day, the most difficult thing for them to do is simply stop when the time comes. This is for a number of different reasons, both psychological and social, and can be a difficult hurdle to overcome in your own gambling career. Knowing when to stop a game and walk away can mean the difference many times between you losing everything that you have or being able to go home and continue a long-term gambling career that may actually be quite possible for you to succeed at.
One of the first and generally most important things you have to do when starting any gambling game is to set a specific goal for both your winnings and losses and stick to that number. The number one way that people lose all of their money while sitting at the table or at any other game they’re participating in is because when they are ahead and they have reached a reasonable goal of theirs they set beforehand, they simply do not walk away with their money and attempt to continue winning. This only increases the casino’s chances of realizing a return on their own money that they’ve already given and should be avoided if at all possible.
The other fact that can readily get people in trouble by themselves is they set a stop loss point for themselves but then simply do not stick to this when they get to the casino. The growing usage of credit cards, debit cards and other easy access methods to funds stored in bank accounts or as other means simply translated in allowing gambling addicts to easily and readily have access to their money that they may not spend otherwise, thus forcing them into difficult positions where they regularly lose money they may not be able to afford to lose.
If you’re wondering whether or not you’re at a position where you should simply walk away from the game and let it be for a while ask yourself this: do you feel you are in control of the game, or is the game in control of you? Virtually all people at all times will say the former, including those who are addicted to gambling; however, think carefully about what it means to you as an individual.
If you find yourself regularly going to the ATM at the casino to withdraw more money for your usage or are withdrawing money from your debit or credit cards into an online gambling account, finding it hard to pay your bills because of your gambling habit, or feel an uncontrollable urge to participate in potentially financially challenging endeavors such as gambling or other high risk markets then this may be a sign that you should take a break for a while and get some new bearings on the situation.
Otherwise, you may get yourself into a hole that you simply won’t be able to get back out of without any professional help. This is all too common these days with the growing trend of online casinos and their ease of use, however, that doesn’t mean you need to be a victim of the system.
By Sydney Jones
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