Does bingo count as gambling, especially from a moral standpoint? Some people believe that gambling is wrong, but many people who believe that still play things like bingo and card games and don’t believe that it is wrong to do so.
So is playing bingo a form of gambling? Well, some would say that any game you play where the stakes including winning or losing money counts as gambling. These same people may believe that if you play such games (like poker) but don’t play for actual money that you are not gambling. More extreme conservative types, on the other hand would say that even playing bingo just for fun with no money at stake is still wrong.
Bingo is played in schools and at parties for fun (no money), and most people are accepting to this. But if you are unsure whether you feel comfortable gambling or playing games that are normally associated with gambling, what criteria do you use to decide whether to play or not.
The first thing to ask yourself is whether playing a game like poker or bingo is enjoyable to you. If you have tried and liked it, then obviously it is worthwhile for you to put some thought into the morality of it.
If you believe in the Holy Bible, you should try looking up gambling and see what it has to say. Then pray about it and follow your heart! Most believers would say it’s best to err on the side of caution, if anything. But some more liberal Christians would say that as long as your heart is in the right place, you should be able to live somewhat freely.
Whether it is bingo, poker, gambling in general, or anything else – this is a personal decision you have to make for yourself. Make your decisions based on your beliefs and your relationship with God!
Remember that it’s OK to have fun, but there is a multitude of things you can do to enjoy yourself! If you’re unsure about anything, refrain from it until you are sure or find an alternative! Who knows, the alternative could wind up being more fun, without any potential guilt!
By Casey Adams
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