The Internet has opened up avenues and new opportunities in everything. Including games of chance! And that includes one of the oldest games of chance there is – Craps! The current form of the game can claim inheritance from ancient Egypt and the Middle East in medieval times. It originally came to America through the coastal regions, especially in the French quarter, and spread from New Orleans, via the Mississippi riverboats, to become the popular game it is today. Online Craps is the equally popular Internet version of the game, and almost all online casinos offer some form of online craps games for their patrons.
Since craps is one of the most exciting and high-energy games in any brick and mortar casino, the online casinos and game rooms have tried to provide the same level of excitement and hyperactivity through their technology. There are real money games as well as numerous free online craps games available at any time of the day and night. And, best of all, due to the software behind these games, the odds for winning are equal to, and sometimes even slightly more in your favor than at actual casinos, according to some experts!!
Online craps is as much an intricate and complex game as its casino counterpart, but there are some simple rules and guidelines that can help the newbie get started. The entire course of the game depends on the roll of the dice. Once the shooter has rolled the dice, there are three distinct possibilities, which depend on the combined number on both the dice. The shooter can, directly win, directly lose, or get to continue the game for further rolls of the dice. However, this is a very basic, broken down look at the rules, and the best and most advisable thing you can do is to read up on all the rules and regulations before you start. You also need to be well versed in all the bets, wagers, and strategies, so that you can maximize your winnings. In fact, each bet in craps provides different options and advantages, and you need to know these if you want to do well.
Always remember that the best strategy for winning at anything, just as in online craps, is to be aware of what bets to avoid. Make sure you know which bets and wagers will give you the maximum chance of winning and avoid the ones that lower your odds. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned player – especially if you are a newbie – avoid the props box. The proposition area or props box on a craps table does offer high payouts, and so tends to attract a lot of people, especially ones who are new at the game. But always keep in mind that all these bets tend to have a high “house-advantage”
The advantage of an online craps game over the casino one, of course is the absence of all the shouting and the heart-pounding din, which make it difficult to think, let alone concentrate on your game. When you play from the comfort of your home, you are relatively much more free to think, plan and strategize, hence maximizing your winnings. In addition, it is less taxing and much less expensive than having to go to a casino. However, like all forms of online gaming, it is easier to lose track of time and become distracted by other chores when you are playing from home.
So, take enough breaks, concentrate, be disciplined, and enjoy your wonderful games of online craps! Its easy and fun.
By Kesh K
Kesh K is the founder of To get unbiased online casino ratings by his dedicated researchers and enhance your online gambling experiences for free, visit his website at online casino review.
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