Do you have a gambling problem? Is your life falling apart as a result of your gambling? Well before you
can ever get help for your problem, you must first admit to yourself that you have a problem
Many people are in denial over their gambling addiction. They may say to themselves “Oh.. it is not that
bad”.. or “I work so hard all week and I deserve to have a little fun!”
These are different aspects of denial that can truly stop you from getting the help for your gambling
problem that you need and deserve.
You may not want to admit to yourself how much of a negative effect that gambling is having in your life
because your gambling behavior is filling a void in your life such as loneliness or boredom.
Another problem is that once gambling is stopped, all of your emotions and feeling return and sometimes
this can be unbearable. It is therefore easier to stay in that state of denial because it is numbing,
and you will not really feel that emotional pain underneath the addiction.
Some of the flagship signs of a compulsive gambling problem are as follows:
1. Gambling to escape trouble or pain.
2. Gambling for much longer than you expected or staying overnight at the casino.
3. Increasing debts as a result of your gambling habit or addiction.
4. Lying and stealing as a result of your gambling addiction.
5. A feeling of being out of control when gambling.
6. Feeling “high” when you are gambling as though you are in a dream world.
7. You stop taking care of yourself as a result of your gambling behavior.
These are just a few signs that you may have a gambling problem.
The best thing you can to is to be honest with yourself and admit that your life has gotten totally out
of control as a result of your gambling.
Michelle Tee
By Michelle Tee
Author of “111 Tips To Help Beat Your Gambling Addiction and Reclaim Your Life”
Founder of
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