Blackjack Betting System:
Most people who gamble and play blackjack will develop their own betting system. These systems vary greatly. There are even books written to teach different methods to “beat the system”. A blackjack betting system may also be known as “counting cards” and in this method you have to have an excellent memory. The downfall here is blackjack is such a fast paced game with a seasoned dealer on the other side that you can lose all your money before getting to end of the dealer box. If you watch the game closely, you will get seeing that everyone’s cards are shown. All player cards are face up and the dealer turns his over as he plays them. While you are only betting against the dealer and not everyone else at the table, you will want to get an idea of what cards remain. Even in this system you are still depending on chance because at the end of the dealer box you will see not all cards are used. There is always a section of cards, approximately one inch to one and half inches thick that are marked for ‘no play’. This makes the probability of knowing what cards are next a wild guess. Gambling on blackjack is fun as long as you are cautious. Having a blackjack betting system in mind can be challenging and fun. You will get a feel for the cards as you play. My personal experience has been when I think I have a system in my mind, the dealer changes and the cards seem to change as well. Be aware any winning streak can and will turn cold so no matter what type of betting system you are using, if it’s working watch for the cards to ‘turn cold’. Always be aware not to lose money you can’t afford to lose.
By Elizabeth Simpson
I needed a blackjack betting system for my trip to Vegas. Looked around and bought a couple and tried them one by one. This one made me over 2000 dollars. The others were ok, but if you want to make some cash grab up the one that wins big.
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