Posts in category backgammon


Learning How to Play Backgammon Successfully

Learning how to play backgammon successfully is probably easier to do today than in any other period of the backgammon game’s five thousand year history. We can imagine in the Ancient world the game was taught from father to son, or people learned the game by watching others play. There were no books of backgammon rules, not least because printing had not yet been invented, but also very few people could read. Closer to our own times, the game has been, and still is learned by many schoolchildren from their friends, and backgammon clubs have become quite popular.

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Online Game Development

Merely saying that online gaming has grown to be popular is a significant understatement. It had been popular for a while, but in the past period its popularity has attained previously unheralded heights.We all know of which playing computer and games is fun. Therefore, we cannot take your eyes off …

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