Excessive gambling is becoming a significant social problem in Australia, with large numbers of children going without food or being left in cars while their parents gamble, homelessness on the rise and significant percentages of people losing jobs and homes in connection with gambling and requiring welfare payments to survive. While the Responsible Service of Alcohol legislation has been around for some time now, Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG in QLD or RCG across the rest of Australia) is not quite as well understood. Exclusion laws are a key part of responsible service of gambling across the country – today we examine them, and see what you’ll learn in your online Responsible Service of Gambling course.
Two Types of Exclusions
If you
By Mia
Responsible Service of Gambling is a necessary certificate required by Queensland Law for people wishing to work anywhere that offers gambling. To complete your RSG quickly and easily online, visit Quality Hospitality International today.
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