Can you cheat online roulette using software, well yes and no, I have been testing some of the software there claim to beat any online roulette on the internet, and I must say I was surprise, Many of these software acutely works pretty good.

I fist tested some roulette system software, I did make some money but was not convince But then I found this new software call roulette killer, this really works and can beat online roulette On the site where I found the software you can read this “25 year old student lives his dream life milking online casinos and raking in over 10,000 USD each month winning at roulette”

I am pretty much convince this is true, on the site he shows how he easily makes $2100 in just 4 minutes. he also show haw he make $11.000 in under 5 minutes, you can see these videos on the site and There is no duos that this is real money been made here, the software is very easy to use, after download you just start the software, then you go to your favourite online roulette and get ready to milk it for money. After some rounds where you tell the software what the winning number is, the software start to calculate and begin to tell you where to bet, and guess what, this is shocking, the roulette killer software acutely calculates right, you win money.

I have been using it for some while now, and I have won a great deal of money, but I am not the only one. Read here what Patricia from New Zealand says: I tried countless online businesses and mlm systems before. Nothing worked and I really put allot of effort into it. Who would have thought that playing Roulette online could yield so much money?? I’m playing now since a few months and im well in the five figure zone!! This is the holy grail I’ve been searching for!.

Frank from Germany has also try the software read here what he say to it: I must say I am impressed… first I thought this might be some other rip off as so many other pruducts out there but nope this one did indeed work for me. Now it’s the second week I use it and I cashed in a couple of thousands, well it’s not more since I switched server once in a while not to get the gamble companies (I’ve tried 4) suspicious. Everything seems to be foolproof as also a couple of my buddies are now using it and they are not quite the experts when it comes to using some computer tools if you know what I mean. What I wonder is how long this will last? I mean you know when the gamble society takes note that they are losing money they will change their software and then your program becomes useless or not? Well… I hope not but then again I cashed the cow.

So why does this work:

Simplicity. Unlike so called “Roulette Systems” I’d like to keep things simple. As you can see theres not much to do in the software apart from feeding it with data… The goal here is raking in cash and there should be a proven and tested way to do it. What good are parameters to set if they mess up the money making mechanics?

Algorithms The software calculates over 100 factors in the background, filters them and spits out the most accurate prediction. Unlike real casino trips mk5 randomizers have certain weeknesses and believe it or not… some nr combinations come out more often than others. Back tested data & more important results show this. If you are been curious about to try this roulette software for your self and see it can make you money

Visit the site bellow, I have put a link to there, This is enough for today, in my next article I will tell how to see your compactions card in online poker before you bet, look out for this article

By Karl Aage Isaksen
You can find more info about the Roulette Killer Software here: