When playing any game of chance players must be aware that luck is an integral part of winning. Even then improving ones chance at the any game for example roulette can be attained by having an effective roulette money strategy. These way players can manage their betting patterns relative to any given situation presented before them. We can call these strategies roulette money strategies. Managing your style of betting should be an essential requirement among roulette players in order to fully attain the desired goal of constant wins. Nothing is left to chance.
When playing any game of chance players must be aware that luck is an integral part of winning. Even then improving ones chance at the any game for example roulette can be attained by having an effective roulette money strategy. These way players can manage their betting patterns relative to any given situation presented before them. We can call these strategies roulette money strategies. Managing your style of betting should be an essential requirement among roulette players in order to fully attain the desired goal of constant wins. Nothing is left to chance.
An important roulette money strategy is ascertaining the type of roulette to play. Not all roulette are the same. So far there are 2 major concerns here, the American roulette and the European roulette. Although they have practically the same roulette rules, American roulette has by far lesser chance of winning against European roulette. American roulette has an additional 00 (double zero) added to the regular 35 numbers to bet on, thereby decreasing your chance to win by 2.6%. A double whammy may occur every time zero (0) or double zero (00) wins for this is the house number. In that case nobody wins here. Always play the European roulette for this obvious reason.
Another feature of European roulette you will not find in American roulette is the rule of “en Prison”. Whenever zero (0) comes out those who bet on even money are given a choice to surrender one half of their bet or a choice to have it played for the next turn. Here your bet can have a chance for a win. Now isn’t that an enticing come-on for European roulette? Make this part of your roulette money strategy.
The best roulette money strategy when you play online roulette is to manage your bankroll accordingly. Before you start playing, you should decide on an amount you are ready to lose. You should stop playing when one of the two events will occur: when you have lost all your roulette money, or when you had won the half of your bankroll. Another good thing to remember is not to bet big amounts of roulette money at once, you should bet at most the 10 % of your bankroll at once. If you bet more, you will have less chance to win it back, and you will stay in the game for a shorter period of time. Do not be scared, this latter event is more likely to happen, so you have better chances in winning half of your bankroll than losing it all. Remember, set a realistic bankroll, and if you lose it all, you should stop playing, this way you will not have financial problems in the future
Remember all those things you should not do, and listen to your instinct when you want to bet on a number. It does not matter that it had come out two times in a row; it might come out for the third time too. If you manage your bankroll correctly and play according to this simple roulette money strategy, you will be a winner at online roulette, but feel free to try this roulette money strategy out even when you are playing roulette in a land-based casino. After all this has been said, you should remember only one more thing: roulette is basically a luck-based game, so besides all this roulette money strategy and tips, you need a little luck in order to win.
For more information on good roulette money strategies feel free to take a look at my website http://www.best-roulette-strategy.com/
By Arlene Matienzo
Author is a freelance writer whose articles focuses on finance, casino and golf. Her vast experiences as a finance officer, casino dealer and avid golfer really speaks well of her subject articles.
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