Online blackjack, like many other online casino games, allows the user to upload ‘x’ amount of dollars into their online account, and have all of the fun of the casino table games right in the comfort of their living room. The allure of online blackjack may be in the fact that one can make their gambling decisions in that comfort of home – and thus achieve greater payouts.
Another attraction to online blackjack is the ability to play multiple tables at once, thus increasing one’s chances of winning within a shorter period of time.
Since the beginnings of the game, blackjack has attracted many gamblers to its fold. With the recent movie ’21’, which is the story of MIT card-counting teams – online blackjack will appeal to a new audience, especially those who are tech-savvy and not afraid of losses. It will appeal to a new young, educated, hip set of kids who have money, and are willing to double down.
Although online blackjack does offer the comfort of being able to gamble in one’s own home, it doesn’t offer the appeal of the atmosphere of the casino. The online atmosphere, with all its perks of comfort and ease, cannot replicate the smell of the guy sitting next to you, as you are dealt a 21. There is also trust issues involved in online blackjack, such as, the fixing of what cards are dealt, and the winning percentages being programmed in before-hand. Playing with a real dealer, with real cards, insures – to a relative degree – that there is no funny business going on with the cards. Sure, if a dealer is hot, they’ll bring in a new one to cool down your hands, but you can be certain that the cards, and the deals, are real.
All of these factors contribute to the reality that although online blackjack may be alluring, and convenient for some, it will never surpass the popularity of real life casino blackjack.
By Dave Saltonstall
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