In the world of Poker, playing in a live tournament is truly playing with the big boys, or the big girls in some cases, no offence intended, ladies. Walking onto the floor in a live tourney, one has arrived at the ultimate destination of Poker heaven.

There are however several types of lives tournaments. And how to arrive at this coveted playground can be a mysterious and wondrous thing. Many online casinos now offer gamers the opportunity to play for or ‘buy in’ a spot on some of the world’s hottest live poker tournaments thereby making their wildest poker dreams come true.

For you die hard gamblers, let not your heart be troubled! One cannot simply plunk down few quid and they have a guaranteed seat. They instead have the chance to win a live seat through satellites, direct buy-ins and other promotions. They key here is that they must win their seat.

A satellite is a multi-tiered approached to working up to winning a major tournament. Each player may begin with only £2, the winner of that pool, then buys-in to a higher level satellite, which in turn would lead to yet a higher level satellite and eventually to a live seat grand final. By the time a player reaches the live seat, the pay out coupon would pay the expenses of the tournament, the entry free, etc. It’s a grand way to reach your dream without a huge up-front outlay of money.

Of course, the other ways are obvious with straight buy-ins and online casino promotions that are offered monthly. Some lucky blokes can win the promotion and go directly to the live seat with all expenses paid!

If your big dream is a live seat at the big hand table at a world Poker Tournament, jump onto a couple of online casinos and check out their promotions, satellites and buy-ins. Now is the time to start chasing your dreams. The next big tourney is coming up in October in London and another in October in Melbourne. So start honing those skills, and put on your poker face…oh, and pack your bag just in case!

By stickystebee
There are however several types of lives tournaments. And how to arrive at this coveted playground can be a mysterious and wondrous thing. Many online casinos now offer gamers the opportunity to play for or ‘buy in’ a spot on some of the world’s hottest live poker tournaments thereby making their wildest poker dreams come true.